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The Queensland Indian, Design Libero Publishing



Should Australian Institutions Be Held Accountable?


By Prabaz, Savtika and N. Sharma

Welcome to Australia!

The race has just began. It is a race where there appears to be no limits and no sign of any checks and balances as dozens, may be hundreds of agents in India, assisted in some cases by agents and educational institutes in Australia have mounted an aggressive 'campaign' to recruit Indian students for courses in Australia.

India is a lucrative market as stakes are high with educational institutes getting hefty fees and the agents collecting commission running into thousands of dollars.

Many 'agents' have jumped on the bandwagon to search for prospective students regardless of their age, background or checks. Australian Educational institutes have embarked on massive advertising campaigns and have signed agent agreements with both local and overseas agents.

As one agent remarked when asked about ethics. His comment was 'Ethics, what are you talking about?' Skill shortages in various employment areas in Australia have been used a trigger to attract students into courses which in some cases are meaningless and probably not worth the paper it is written on.

In the last several weeks, as Brisbane experienced cold weather conditions, many sad tales have emerged from several students who are facing cramped accommodation conditions with few blankets to share, hardship in terms of making payments for rent, exploitation by some restaurant owners who take them as trainees only to show them the door without any payments after a week or two of training and to top it all many students now have found the promised permanent residency may still be miles away due to misleading advice and in many cases a total absence of advice.

While all this is happening, it is believed that a large number of 'agents' in India, including some of so called 'famous and popular' names in the industry are making hundreds of thousands of dollars through lucrative commission paid by the educational institutions in Australia. Some agents even make regular trips to Australia and are given VIP treatment by educational institutes. The story gets even better where in one case at least an agent has sent his wife who is now sub-renting rooms to students. While there may be nothing illegal in sub-renting, for that agent it is double-dipping. A Brisbane based migration agent said the student visa program in relation to the way student visas including e-visa applications are processed is nothing but a 'shame.' “A shame because students are never given proper guidance or choice and it is apparent that authorities have turned a blind eye,” he said. To back his claim the agent said it would not be long before the matter becomes a public knowledge. To illustrate his point the agent drew our attention to a talk back program on Radio 4BC. Our investigation revealed that on Monday 28th July an Australian lady called the afternoon 'drive' program at Radio 4BC hosted by Micheal Smith to highlight the 'ordeal' she went through at a hairdressing saloon. She had visited a hairdresser where she was attended to by an Indian student. She claimed that the student knew nothing about hairdressing and told her (the customer) that she was only getting her 900 hours of experience to get a certificate as a hairdresser. The certificate, the student believed, will give her Permanent Residency so that she could get her family to Australia. It was alleged that the student told her she was not at all interested in hairdressing. This was followed by another call in relation to Taxi drivers. The list goes on and on.

The stories that have come to light so far relates to institutions which are not classified as Universities. The Queensland Indian has obtained statutory declarations and written articles from students who now realize their dreams have been shattered. Students in large numbers are firmly pointing their fingers towards the conduct of a number of Indian agents in India and some agents in Australia together with the conduct of few Educational Institutes in Australia.

The Queensland Indian is aware that two students have already packed their backs and gone back to India. The newspaper is also aware of situations where some students have been out of job for over six months.

Here are some of the sad tales as told by students who out of fear of reprisal by what they described as 'thugs' in India are too scared to permit us to print their names. “My father sold 5 acres of our family land to raise money for my education in Australia. I thought I was coming to study in a college. When I arrived, I was shocked to see a college crowded with students in a thin building situated in the heart of Brisbane City with no library facilities, hardly any facilities for recreation and private study, a small lift often cramped with students” … a sad tale given by a student. And from another student - “I approached an Indian agent and asked him about prospects of further study in Australia. I told him I had completed a course in Pharmacy. He simply said the way to get a visa is do a course in Cookery. Next thing I know my visa was organized,” another tale from a student. “I never received any advice, never met my agent but my visa was organized through a sub-agent in Punjab.” is the story told by another student and yet another tale relates to how bank loans and finances are organized and in at least one case an allegation that an agent even has a set of stamps he uses to issue 'bank approvals.'

People who have been out of classroom situation for years and have qualifications in microbiology, pharmacy, nursing, teaching, agriculture, media have arrived here on student visas after being told that that they will, on arrival get jobs, and after a 2 year study qualify for permanent residency.

According to students certain college in the heart of Brisbane City and a stone throw from Education department and the Immigration office hardly has full attendance at courses. Yet at another institution there is no evidence of practical classes in cookery according to students.

Quoting from the National Code which is part of the EDUCATION SERVICES FOR OVERSEAS STUDENTS ACT 2000, the Brisbane based agent drew our attention to the provision which stipulates that the registered providers must comply with 15 standards that ensure their quality of education and professionalism is of a sufficiently high standard to enrolled international students. “The registered providers under the law are to ensure the marketing of various education and training services are undertaken in a professional manner and maintain the integrity and reputation of the industry and registered providers. This standard strengthens the ability of providers to manage the activities of their education agents, ensuring providers use only reputable education agents,” said the agent. The providers usually have written agreements with each education agent it engages to recruit students on its behalf. However, the code also stipulates that providers are not required to have a written agreement with agents who act on behalf of students or parents.”
Our checks have established that even though the Educational Institutes are not obliged to have agreements who act on behalf of students or parents, they can not escape from their responsibility where they have admitted students in large numbers from both signed and 'agreement free' agent.
The Queensland Indian is in the process of involving powerful mainstream media outlets to persue the matter and will be forwarding a set of questions to the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship and to other responsible authorities at both state and federal levels. The questions will relate to the monitoring and possible investigations in light of our story.

Our government, over period of time, has progressively brought about changes to Permanent residency visas and to students visa scheme. For students who study in Australia there are certain advantages. They can upon completion of their course and subject to meeting certain requirements making application onshore, that is while they are in Australia, get bonus points for obtaining Australia Diploma, Degree or Trade certificate and waiver in such areas as work experience requirements. Then there is eVisa scheme for approved local and overseas agents, meaning that authorized overseas agents could also have easy access to the approval process.

To illustrate his point the agent said that during the publicity about the Nursing course at Shafston College, the Australian Embassy in Dehli was still issuing visas to students for nursing courses at Shafston. “Someone is definitely sleeping at his or her job, or is it simply a case to treat Australian education for International Students as an industry with no checks and balances” - he said.

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Addis Elias Fejzic - 2016 Ph.D. ï¿½ Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, Brisbane, QLD, Australia;


