Libero Archive – YEAR – 2004/5 – CD / DVD Postcards, Promotion, Advertising,  CD / DVD Presentation

CD-DVD Interactive Postcards – MAP and TOURIST GUIDE
minimum 500 photos and 4-7 minutes video

The CD/DVD Postcard is a new and exciting promotional product of your area and it is the conventional postcard of today’s technology.
A gift or memento, and a comprehensive tourist resource. Interactive CD DVD Postcard’s contain vital tourist information, with all relevant website hyperlinks to make your
travel bookings easy.
   Interactive CD-DVD Postcard is an interactive multimedia travelogue. A hyper-breed 
medium you 
can enjoy and use as a CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, or DVD. Interactive 
CD-DVD Postcard allows you to experience distant places in the luxury of your home.
 An exciting new way to promote local  business and
tourism on the international level. Corp-DVD’s, a CD-DVD Interactive Postcards affiliate, will further optimise and promote your business’s web presence.
Interactive CD-ROM and DVD-ROM-Postcards are a 21st century, digital-age invention. It is an interactive multimedia product, containing attractive photos, video-clips and information of popular local areas, tourist attractions, arts and culture, maps, community services etc.
   Our Interactive CD-DVD-ROM Postcards are multilingual and are uniquely packaged, so you can mail them anywhere in the world. They represent a new, efficient and economic way, to show the world around us the world we live in, with all it’s beauty and richness.
   This is a wonderful souvenir for visitors to take away and remember, or a perfect gift for someone special to share and revive memories. 

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